A Champion Racing Yacht Designer - JUAN KOUYOUMDJIAN

We at DesignWorks Studio can't get enough of the Volvo Ocean Race, especially the magnificent vessels they use in the race. These boats are built for speed and precision, not comfort. As someone who has quite a few friends sailing in the race... I know that there is nothing enjoyable about being below deck except for the chance to get out of the sun and spray! 

Fast Company has an excellent article that features a man who designed 3 of the 6 boats being used in the race. Juan Kouyoumdjianis an Argentine-born naval architect who has a naval architecture business, Juan Yacht Designs, based in Valencia, Spain. He is a true master of his craft, devoting countless hours to honing his research and development process (and on his own dime. He considers his R&D process important enough to do on his own hours, away from his clients' pockets). 

For an amazing article, and incredible images, click here!